Photo: Fredrik Wenzel, with additional work from The Einstein Couple and Danni Riddertoft

About the film

An uninhibited satire where roles and class are inverted, and the tawdry economic value of beauty is unveiled. Models Carl and Yaya are navigating the world of fashion while exploring the boundaries of their relationship. The couple is invited for a luxury cruise with a rogues’ gallery of superrich passengers. At first, all appears Instagrammable. But a storm is brewing, and heavy seasickness hits the passengers. The cruise ends catastrophically. Carl and Yaya find themselves marooned on a desert island with a group of billionaires and one of the ship’s cleaners. Hierarchy is suddenly flipped upside down, as the housekeeper is the only one who knows how to fish.

Contact person

Agnes Lidbeck

New initiative

This title has world-wide distribution and SI will guide you to the distributor in your country. In case there is no distributor, SI will help arrange a screening. Financial support can still be granted for the peripheral costs surrounding the event.


Winner of the Palme d'Or in Cannes 2022. Winner of 6 Swedish Guldbagge awards, among them for Best Picture and Best Director. Was also nominated for 3 Oscars.

Film trailer

Film facts

Original title: Triangle of Sadness

Target age group: 11 years or older

Director: Ruben Östlund

Director’s biography: Ruben Östlund who was in born 1974, directed films on skiing in the late 90’s, some of them now world-famous. After a documentary 2000 he made his award-winning feature debut, The Guitar Mongoloid, in 2004. In the 1990s, a skiing freak, Ruben Östlund made several skiing films for Down Film, including Free Radicals (1996) and Free Radicals II (1998), before he embarked on the three-year director's education at Gothenburg’s College of Photography and Film. One of his student film projects, Låt dom andra sköta kärleken (Let the Others Handle Love), was nominated for a Swedish Guldbagge award, the Swedish equivalent to the Oscar. His documentary, Familj igen (Family again), reuniting his parents who divorced 23 years ago, was named Gothenburg’s Film Event of the Year. His short, Scen nr: 6882 ur mitt liv (Autobiographical Scene Number 6882) won in Edinburg Film Festival and will accordingly be one of the 12 contenders for the year's European Film Award.

  • 2011 Play (feature)
  • 2008 De ofrivilliga (Involuntary) / feature
  • 2005 Scen nr: 6882 ur mitt liv (Autobiographical Scene Number 6882) / short
  • 2004 Gitarrmongot (The Guitar Mongoloid) / feature
  • 2002 Familj igen / documentary
  • 2000 Låt dom andra sköta kärleken / documentary

Screenplay: Ruben Östlund

With: Charlbi Dean, Harris Dickinson, Dolly De Leon, Slakto Buric, Henrik Dorsin, Woody Harrelson

Director of photography: Fredrik Wenzel

Production: Erik Hemmendorf, Philippe Bober for Plattform Produktion

Age limit: suitable from 11 years or older

Time: Colour, 147 min

National release: 2022

How to apply

If you represent a Swedish foreign mission you can apply for permission to screen films at local film events. The application is made via the SI Customer portal. When you make your application, you have the option to request financial support for the event.

To preview full length films, get information about local rights, and access other protected content, you need to create an application, which you can then review and complete at a later date. Before making an application, it is mandatory to read the rules and conditions for the Swedish film selection.

We will review your application and give you access to film material and information on how to preview the films.

Once you have decided which film or films to screen, and have all the required information, you update and send in your application via the portal.

Fill in an application – step

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                                                        "content": "Director’s biography: Ruben Östlund who was in born 1974, directed films on skiing in the late 90’s, some of them now world-famous. After a documentary 2000 he made his award-winning feature debut, The Guitar Mongoloid, in 2004. In the 1990s, a skiing freak, Ruben Östlund made several skiing films for Down Film, including Free Radicals (1996) and Free Radicals II (1998), before he embarked on the three-year director's education at Gothenburg’s College of Photography and Film. One of his student film projects, Låt dom andra sköta kärleken (Let the Others Handle Love), was nominated for a Swedish Guldbagge award, the Swedish equivalent to the Oscar. His documentary, Familj igen (Family again), reuniting his parents who divorced 23 years ago, was named Gothenburg’s Film Event of the Year. His short, Scen nr: 6882 ur mitt liv (Autobiographical Scene Number 6882) won in Edinburg Film Festival and will accordingly be one of the 12 contenders for the year's European Film Award.",
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                                                        "content": "With: Charlbi Dean, Harris Dickinson, Dolly De Leon, Slakto Buric, Henrik Dorsin, Woody Harrelson",
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                                                        "content": "Production: Erik Hemmendorf, Philippe Bober for Plattform Produktion",
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                                                        "content": "Age limit: suitable from 11 years or older",
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                                                        "content": "Time: Colour, 147 min",
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                                                        "content": "National release: 2022",
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                                                        "content": "If you represent a Swedish foreign mission you can apply for permission to screen films at local film events. The application is made via the SI Customer portal. When you make your application, you have the option to request financial support for the event.",
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                                                        "content": "To preview full length films, get information about local rights, and access other protected content, you need to create an application, which you can then review and complete at a later date. Before making an application, it is mandatory to read the&nbsp;<a href=\"\">rules and conditions for the Swedish film selection</a>.",
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